Monday, May 08, 2006

Did I Wake Up and It's November Already?

If I have to hear another liberal...Ok...Democratic wonk gush longingly about "Speaker Nancy Pelosi" one more time, I'm moving to my secret, undisclosed bunker in Montana to plan the government takeover. Wow, if I had the foresight these heavy intellectuals evidently possess, I'd be predicting more productive things like....interest scores...lottery numbers...rather than waxing hopeful about my party's electoral future. George Stephanopolous and Tim Russert apparently don't even see the need for an election in six months implying in recent weekend comments that Republicans should capitulate and return to the minority. This, despite the fact the Republicans have been acting like the minority party for years now. I for one have not lost faith. It ain't over till it's over, to quote one eminently more insightful than these liberal media darlings.

Today's conventional wisdom has the Republicans facing a daunting uphill battle to maintain control of Congress. Although they maintain a 15-seat advantage in the house, as many as 40 seats may be in play, depending on the source one cites. As for the Senate, your guess is as good as mine, my friend. I even observed some conservatives tonight jumping on the doom and gloom bandwagon, predicting the Republicans' base will either abandon the party or simply refuse to show up on election day out of apathy.

It's a sad fact that the Bush administration has not acted like true conservatives. Government spending, even before the Iraqi war, has increased at levels that would make FDR smile. Many conservatives feel betrayed by Bush's moderate stance on the illegal immigration problems. Certainly, this has given pundits fodder to feed the recent speculations on the midterm elections.

Regardless, I think when the reality sets in that Democrats could actually win back Congress, conservatives currently disenchanted with the Republican party will show up, perhaps voting for the lesser of two evils, but acknowledging the fact that a weak administration failing to follow a conservative agenda is infinitely better than hearing, "Today on Meet the Press, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi."

1 comment:

J said...

I woke up this morning and had to turn on the television and listen to a giddy, smirking Matt Lauer describe Nancy Pelosi as the first female speaker of the house.
I rolled over and turned off the set and tried to gather myself. I wanted to vomit. I still want to vomit and she hasn't even done what I know she is going to do yet. Then he stated that W had invited her to the WH for a lunch meeting and I stretched out for a glimmer of hope...Maybe he will poison her...before she further poisons this nation with her liberal rhetoric.
I cannot help but laugh at the Dem. pundits stating that this means that the American people have spoken and stated that "we want an end to partisan politics" and that the Dems are "going to take on the challenges, like Iraq, in a bipartisan, non-political fashion". Then instead of laughing I did puke. That screeching sound that I heard this morning was our economy and more specifically the DOW (which is breaking records) coming to a halt...TAX and SPEND time is here again...god save the queen...b/c if she is 3rd in line and something happens to W and Chenney her lifespan should be considerably shortened.