Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Well Said, Mr. Sowell

"Some people say it is 'name-calling' if you refer to someone as a liberal. There is nothing inherently negative about the word 'liberal.' If it has acquired negative overtones, that is because of what liberals have done and the consequences that followed." -- Thomas Sowell

I ran across this quote on another website. What a perfect definition for those who avoid the word "liberal" like the plague, yet prove from their actions and policies, replete with factless, America-hating, emotionalized arguments, that indeed this is the proper nomenclature. Or, to paraphrase one unnamed senator, "I decided to be a liberal before I decided not to be a liberal."

When Howie Dean & Co. develop a coherent platform that makes it worthwhile for rank-and-file Democrats (that's everyone outside of to support, then the liberals might have a fighting chance. It will at least make the debate more interesting than the current mantra -- Bush lied, people died... No war for oil....You have to stand for something, or you'll fall for interns, I suppose.

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